It occurred to me that in the midst of all this leaf-watching, I hadn't taken a nice picture of how my tree is looking with the change of the season. So....

September 26th

September 27th
It's a little less green and has a few fewer leaves every day. (Not that it ever had that many!) The leaf pile below is certainly growing.

And my view from inside is getting yellower:

September 25th

September 28th
I wonder just how long it'll take for all the leaves to fall. A month? Longer? Start the clock!

September 26th

September 27th
It's a little less green and has a few fewer leaves every day. (Not that it ever had that many!) The leaf pile below is certainly growing.

And my view from inside is getting yellower:

September 25th

September 28th
I wonder just how long it'll take for all the leaves to fall. A month? Longer? Start the clock!
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